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Quality  -  Period style  -  B & B
Springbank Logo
in the centre of Whaley Bridge in the High Peak of Derbyshire
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Walkers and Cyclists Welcome Logos Four Star Guest house Silver Quality Award Environmental Quality Mark Peak District cuisine award

For more information, click on a logo above to go to the relevent website

Tourist Board Star Rating

We classify as a "Guest House" (which means that you get a front door key and have exclusive use of the guest lounge and dining rooms) and have four stars, which is just about as high as we can go without moving to a different house with bigger rooms. We also have a silver quality award which tends to suggest that we are a bit better than your average Guest House.

Cyclist & Walkers welcome

This is a tourist board thing that basically means that we will provide somewhere for your your wet clothes to try and dry out and can store your bike somewhere a bit more secure than leaving it out the front.

Peak District Cuisine Award

We have this award because we try to use only local produce from local suppliers. Click on the logo for more info.

Environmental Quality Mark

We are delighted to announce that we have recently gained our Environmental Award.

This was achieved by proving that we really are making our effort to be “green”.

We recycle everything we can, from bottles, plastic bottles, paper, cans, foil, printer cartridges, spectacles, directories, clothes etc and of course we have compost bins. Naturally we have water butts.

We try to use the car as little as possible. We do do the bulk of our shopping locally and on foot and save up trips to the cash and carry and larger towns so that We can do everything in one trip, maybe once a month.

We have replaced as many light bulbs with low energy bulbs as we believe to be feasible without compromising safety and convenience.

We use recycled bio-degradable bin liners and monitor how much rubbish goes in the bin.

I actively campaign against carrier bags at supermarkets. I have a collection of “bags for life” and regularly give friends luxury “bags for life “ as presents.

I try to buy goods from local conservation farmers. Currently we buy some meat from Jacksons in the Wash (a local hamlet, not the watery bit on the east coast) and honey from Longnor. I am researching other suppliers.

I use Ecover products as much as possible and tend to buy them in bulk, over the Internet, to try to minimise wastage and transport costs.

To try to minimise unnecessary heating we have fitted thermostatic valves on all the radiators and in winter I close all the curtains as it gets dark.

If you can think of anything else we should do, please let me know. We may already be doing it, but if we are not, perhaps we should!

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3 Reservoir Road,  Whaley Bridge,  High Peak,  England,  SK23 7BL
tel: 01663 732819

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